Monday, February 9, 2009

Same time next year

Every year around this time, I have to go through and do the taxes. It's like changing the oil on your car-you know you have to do it, and it will probably get messy. I'm not sure why there is a mouse in this picture by the way. The only good thing about doing taxes is getting money back. Sure, we already paid it, and you know you got hosed to begin with, but you have to pretend to be oblivious to that, and be in joy at the fact that the government is giving me money back.
**Breaking news**
Brett Favre retired--again. I suppose it was for the best this year. It's too bad he couldn't stick with it last year and gone out as a Packer. I've gotten about 15 texts in the past 10 minutes about this......Jordan and the Wizards, Montana and the Chiefs. Nobody will really remember the guy as a Jet anyway.
On to other notes. I'm going to start doing the video blogs every once in a while. For some reason, people have been egging me on to do them again.....

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