Friday, June 26, 2009

Never can say goodbye

Wow. It's hard to believe that Michael Jackson died. As a young lad, the first dance and song I ever learned was Beat It. Regardless of his odd personal life in the later years, he is the music icon of my generation. We never had the Rolling Stones (well, technically), Elvis, The Beatles or James Brown. We had Michael. There is not a one of us that didn't get down to Thriller, Smooth Criminal or Billy Jean. I think we got so wrapped up in his oddness, that we forgot how talented this guy was. Now, all we have are records and memories.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Oh the Minnesota DMV

So I get my new drivers licence in the mail yesterday. And for some reason, the DMV is only capable of taking photos that make you look like some kind of creep. My photo makes me look like a stalker or something....
Wow. These posts have been few and far between. Once September 5th comes around, the posts will get more frequent.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Words of Twin Cities Wisdom

-I'm a recovering alcoholic. Mostly in the sense I drink in the mornings to recover from my hangovers.

-I fight with my girlfriends a lot about the future. They want a house and 2.5 kids, and I think Corey Feldman will destroy the earth in 2025.

-I've been looking into real estate lately. The Minneapolis cops call it "peeping"

-20 is the age of consent in Germany. I'm guessing NEIN-teen was a little confusing.

-According to G.I. Joe, knowing is half the battle. I'm guessing the other half is guns, bombs and explosive stuff.

-If you can only trust people as far as you can throw them, then I distrust all fat people, and trust babies A LOT.

Most of these were forwarded on to me.

Happy Wednesday.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Quick post

So I'm trying to do small, quick posts to make up for lost time! Anywho, someone sent me this picture this morning with the line "which one doesn't fit". Needless to say, it didn't take long....