I don't have the slightest clue what "holy bananas" are, but some special ed kid kept yelling it at me while at the gym. I just smiled and said nothing. What am I doing at the gym again? Training for: Grandmas Marathon, Lifetime Triathlon and the Twin Cities Marathon. Boo-ya. You heard it right, the Internet phenomenon (or at least to my cat) known as Jon B is going to get amped up. I've been "training" since high school, but don't fully compete in running or anything else the way I should. But this is the year that the triple threat gets complete.
In other news, the finishing touches are being put on Lost Boys 2: In the Hood (actually that "in the hood" part is just a fiction of my imagination--Its where Dough Boy from Boyz in da Hood fights vampires with the frog boys). But anyway, this movie is going do be dope. I mean c'mon , its got the Feld in it! Oddly enough, the Haim was not accepted for the flick. Oh well.

And the dopest thing to happen to TV since color, is that American Gladiators is back--and not a horrible show! I wish they would have brought back the old Gladiators, but they're all retired or something. But anyway, they got some new faces like:Wolf, Helga, Fury (who is actually pretty flippin' hot), and some other lame-names. But the show is dope..check it out! The

I think they need to bring back the Human Cannonball!
Lets take a look at the wonderful wold of the NFL right now.

Peep this Favre clip from Saturday. There's nothing like a football game in Green Bay while its snowing. And nothing beats a little shovel/lob pass from 4. How on earth can you be 38 years old and be playing this good? I think without question his is one of (if not THE) greatest football player of our generation. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DHOK2z6jk0
And on other things......

Ritchie and I had a long talk about Judge David Young. We've decided he is the lamest TV judge. And the biggest reason? He'll fine you money for having on a shirt that is out of style *finger snap* Oh no he didn't ! Please, cancel this show.........
But what is some GREAT news? Meatballs 4 has come to DVD! Along with the 20th anniversary of Monster Squad !! Bring on the free hooch!
On a sidenote of politics: People need to stop bickering about who they're going to vote for. Who you choose is your decision, and yours alone. You don't have to defend your pick to me, or anyone else. And stop lecturing me about my vote (which is Alfred E. Newman).
And for whatever reason, the larger individuals of our society come out in droves after the new year. Why? those filthy new years resolutions to lose weight. Don't get me wrong,

So I have this wacky idea for a movie: It has John Tavolta, Patrick Swayze, Sinbad, Kevin Bacon and Elizabeth Shue. The basis revolves a group of rival dancers who need to band together to have a danceoff against the new kids who moved into town. The new kids will of course be played by the New Kids on the Block.

Speaking of Elizabeth, I haven't seen her in anything since Hallow Man, But I bet she's still pretty hot.....

So here's a good folly for you:( I felt like the kid in this classic Far Side comic). I woke up at 5am today to go to the first day of class. I got ready and everything, drove to school and parked (which is about an hour). Mind you, the weather was -2 this morning. I get to class and the door is locked and the lights off. I assumed I got the wrong room, so I go to the Teachers Ed. office and ask if I could see all the class schedules. I was looking through it, and the lady says "You do know that the day classes start on Wednesday...right"? I tried to play it off, and made up some lie. I couldn't believe I made a bonehead move like that. Half my morning--gone. All because I didn't bother to double check my class schedule. Oh well. You live and learn....right??
I don't care how big people are as long as they don't fart next to me. That keeps happening, and I don't like it one bit.
And Eli! Big kid table is right. How funny that Peyton gets to watch him for a change.
I wish I could grow hair like Malibu! I think he's working as a lightrail mechanic these days...
you need to lay off the fat people jon....I do! Giggity giggity!
Travolta AND Swayze?? Classic in the making.
Crush from American Gladiators is actually a female ultimate fighter for the EliteXC! She's really good!! And I enjoy that show...EliteXC and American Gladiators.
And don't be talking smack about Dallas Clark!! He's my cousin!!!! Seriously. He did a great job! I can't say the same for Harrison and plenty other players that couldn't make a damn catch. Maybe if they were all at 100%...any given Sunday, right?! It's ok. They won it all last year, they just wanted to give someone else a chance... :P I'm happy for Eli!!
.....ps.Aren't you too fat to compete in anything physical?!? lol >.<
.ps.again..Fury looks like a man....?!? Ew.
Ohhhhhh, looks like ol Marjorie has laid the smack down. WHAT YA GONNA DOOOOOOOOO!! There, now I have quoted Hulk Hogan and my day is complete.
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