In case you've been living under a rock for the past few days, there's this kid named Corey Worthington Delany (photo credit: Brisbane Times/Channel 7) who lives down under. No, not in your jeans, in Australia. He threw a wacky party and the cops came and broke it up. There were a few hundred kids there, and the neighbors got mad. Apparently, this is bigger than the man on the moon down there! It's the biggest thing since Kangaroo Jack. But the best part about this kid is his refusal to ever remove his sunglasses. He's been interviewed about thirty times, and he only wears this douchey hoodie, and the glasses. And never a shirt. I suppose when I was 16, I refused to give in to societal norms, and wore my overalls with just one strap latched.....Rebels know what I mean. He sorta reminds me of that kid that was so cool, they would just show up to school for lunch. Anyway, if there is anyone that needs to get a stomping, this kid
does....check the vid here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFrlq64j2hc one of these days, I'll figure how to embed a video on here. I still can't believe that a house party is national news in Australia. Maybe they forgot about shenanigans of Kid N Play. Speaking of which, they should make a comeback movie where they throw another house party.

So this morning I'm driving to school. Its about 5:30am, and I'm still pretty groggy. As I'm driving, I'm skipping through tracks on my CD player in hopes to find one that will help wake me up. No luck. I buzz on the radio, and there's just the talk shows. As I'm about to give up hope, some random station comes on during the search, and its the very beginning of Sweet Child O' Mine. Instantly the feeling gets in me and I start rocking out. HARD! The first key to rocking out in your car, is make sure people stopped in traffic know that you're rocking out. I was stopped in traffic and had the volume all the way up, pointing at the other people in cars and giving them the "rock n roll" fingers while sticking out my tongue. Who cares if they start to laugh at you, while they're listening to Celine Dion, you're rocking it.
The second step is to drive with your knees. How can you expect to do the air guitar with one hand on the wheel?!?! Besides, the air harmonica looks dumb.
The third is to constantly bop to the music while biting your bottom lip and pumping a fist. I'm not sure why this is a rule, but you look cool doing it.
The final rule is to keep that music up real loud. One time I was rocking out to F the Police by NWA in the summer (so of course the windows were down), and while on Lyndale Ave at a stop light, a cop pulls up next to me (windows also down). Do you think I turned the tunes down? Heck no. And thats the story of how I ended up in jail. Actually that jail part was made up. But the cop did give me a nasty look, and I gave him the "Westside" fingers (which is also a rule while rocking out to rap songs), and he did smile. Cops have little desire to mess with a dorky white kid wearing a Shawn Kemp jersey.
The second step is to drive with your knees. How can you expect to do the air guitar with one hand on the wheel?!?! Besides, the air harmonica looks dumb.
The third is to constantly bop to the music while biting your bottom lip and pumping a fist. I'm not sure why this is a rule, but you look cool doing it.
The final rule is to keep that music up real loud. One time I was rocking out to F the Police by NWA in the summer (so of course the windows were down), and while on Lyndale Ave at a stop light, a cop pulls up next to me (windows also down). Do you think I turned the tunes down? Heck no. And thats the story of how I ended up in jail. Actually that jail part was made up. But the cop did give me a nasty look, and I gave him the "Westside" fingers (which is also a rule while rocking out to rap songs), and he did smile. Cops have little desire to mess with a dorky white kid wearing a Shawn Kemp jersey.
So after my GNR song was over, the tone for my day was set.
Any of you have songs that when you hear, you just have to rock out? I got waaaaay too many.
Peace and brown rice people!
I rock out everytime I hear Back in Black and Kings of Rock by RUNDMC!!!!
I saw that video, and that kid is the coolest thing ever!
Suzie Q is a definite rock out song!
A lady in my office told me about your blog, and I have to say; It's quite entertaining.
Sometimes when I am making cross country trips like driving to the Sick 1 Deuce for example, I rock out to Yanni and Michael Bolton. I can only make the trip when I have given my hair sufficient time to grow out where I can get a trill perm though.
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