Well, it's that time of year again. To start over....Though I was pretty fond of 07, so I don't know if I want to start over. Why can't it be 07/8?? You know, that half and half deal......For starters, I figured I would actually have a new years resolution this year. In fact, many of them. The first being not to die. I figure if I can't make that one, the rest are null. 2. Finish my book. Who cares if it has no real direction, I will try to spit it out by the end of the year. 3. Finish school. Sure, I've been saying that for about 8 years now, but I think I might actually pull it off this year. 4. Bike to Canada. I got a new bike this year, and think I can peddle my way to our neighbors up north. 5. Stop posting pictures of cool 80/90's celebrities (Yeah, like that will ever happen). Cut/It/Out! 6. Think of a better word than "Blogging". It just sounds so lame. "Hey, did you check out my blog"? That just sounds like someone who should be hit with a shoe.....
But like all good things, its time for the JonBizies. This is my first year of giving them out, so have patience. These are like the grammies/oscars etc....except fresher. peep game.
1. Best show on TV: Scrubs. I was going to say Married with Children, but reruns don't really count. Too bad its Turk and JD's last season.....Runners up: 30 Rock (which is quickly becoming one of my favorites), The Office, and South Park.
2. Best movie: Norbit. If you haven't seen this classic movie, your missing out. Missing out on what, I'm not really sure. Anyone who says this is a bad movie should be punched in the neck. Runners up: Transformers, Knocked up, Superbad, American Gangster, No Country for Old Men and Into the wild.
3. Worst Movie: The number 23. Starring Jim Carrey, I half expected it to be semi-funny. No. Its about some guy who is obsessed with Michael Jordan or something...It was horrible. Runners up:: Who's your caddy?, Epic movie and Because I said so.
4. Best new music: R. Kelly's trapped in the closet series. Need I say more? This is better than Grease and Westside Story....Combined! Runners up: American Gangster by Jay Z, Finding Forever by Common, any of the 39 mixtapes Lil Wayne jumped on, Alright, still by Lily Allen (quite a good surprise), Underground Kings by UGK, Revival by John Fogerty (the guy can still play), Super Taranta! by Gogol Bordello, Hip Hop is Dead by Nas, Big Doe Rehab by Ghostface (who needs those killer bees when your album is this classic?).
Worst Music: Soulja Boy (who ever wants to 'crank dat' should be punched in the neck), Anything with T-Pain or Akon......
Person most likely to have a comeback in 08'?: (tie) Patrick Swayze and Corey Feldman. With Lost Boys 2 coming out, look for the old Feld to be back in some kind of light. And Swayze? If he takes my advice and does a movie with John Travolta and Kevin Bacon, he will be golden. The movie will revolve around the trio having a massive dance off to save a youth group. Just picture Breakin' 2 Electric Bugaloo meets Footloose.
Best drink in 07: Water. We need it, so it wins by default.
runner up: coffee.
Best sports player from MN: Adrian Peterson. Really, there wasn't much competition here.
runner up: Corey Brewer.
Worst hassle: The crosstown project. Talk about a pain in the rear. I have to drive all the way up to Diamond Lake just to get off the freeway now. Boo.
runner up: Trying to explain to people out of state that the Gophers actually wanted to win 1 game.
Best phrase: No Dice. Steve coined it, now it caught on like wildfire.
runner up: Trill.
Best video game which requires a guitar: Guitar Hero 2/3.
runner up : Duck Hunt 2-Bob Dylans revenge.
Worst idea from a company: Lifetime Fitness triathlon. Did we really need to compete in 92 degree weather?? And alas, people did die.
runner up: Roundabouts. I know a company didn't invent these, but they're worthless anyway. We're not European and people in Edina don't need another reason to run over my Civic with a Denali.
Coolest move by a politician: Mayor RT Rybak devoting millions of dollars to fund bikeways in the Minneapolis area. Johnny B likes......
Craziest thing to happen: 35W bridge collapse.
runner up: 2 girls 1 cup.
Best weekly food: Pistachio muffins from Kowalskis. My oh my. Its like falling in love all over again. These things are tasty!
Best street that runs from Hennipen to the River: Lake Street.
runner up: University.
Biggest loser: Tim Brewster. You talked a good talk my friend, but your walk was like a childhood Forrest Gump.
runners up: Brad Childress, Tavaris Jackson, The Timberwolves, Tim Pawlenty, The guy who owns Shinders and whoever it was who decided to trade Torii Hunter.
Most unexpected thing: Biking through San Francisco. I have to say, that was way better than taking a tour bus or something. Plus, it renewed my joy of biking in general. Its been a long time since I had such a good time. Sore legs, but good time.
runner: I'm not in jail yet.....but hey, its a new year.
Well, that's about it. I look forward to more goodies of posts (and lets face it, some really boring ones too). I will try to get on here more often and babble about random things that are relate-able.
So happy 08 yall' and leave a brotha a comment.....
Hey, the Timberwolves weren't losers all year, you cant call them the biggest losers for the past few months.
You are so silly!! But I love to read your blogs...maybe one of my new year's resolution will be to leave you more comments...maybe. :P
I wish Shinders was still around. The coolest place for nerds to chill.
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