If you ever get the chance to meet Minneapolis artist Michael Birawer, do so. The guy is pretty Trill. I actually have this painting hanging up in my house.
So I'm part of some informal study for someones senior thesis paper in psychology. They're doing it on the relationship between sounds and memory (as most are done between smell and memory). So I had to bring all these CD's and records over and basically sit in this strange room with odd lights and no furniture. Anyway, I found that listening to certain songs while in the "control room" makes us think about past experiences.
For instance, as I'm jumbling through song after song, 93 till infinity comes on. Almost instantly I felt like I was back on the Lake Street bus going from Uptown to the bomb shelter. I used to beat this song ALL the time while on that bus. I used to listen to music non-stop during these bus trips, but that song is the one that has the strongest connection.
Song 2: Passin me bye by the Pharcyde. I used to listen to this song a ton growing up, but the place it brought me while playing was back to the Northside house parties. Along with some other songs, this one reminds me of being at that house all winter.
Song 3: Nothin but a G thang: by Dr Dre. Every time Snoop comes in with the "1, 2, 3 and to the 4....." It reminds me of the 5th grade for some reason. Pretty much all summer that song was on blast in EVERYONES car. Every park BBQ had this on the radio. We used to rap along to this on the playground while rocking my Bulls starter jacket....
Song 4: The 3 Feet High and Rising album by De La Soul. I was 7 years old when I got this tape. To this day it is one of my all time favorite and classic albums. The first time I heard Me, Myself and I, I was on the bus and it came on the radio. It was the bus to Hale School, and Donnie and Kyle were sitting next to me. They didn't dig the song like I did. After I heard the song, got the album, I wanted a high-top-fade and African medallion SO bad. I couldn't understand at the time why I couldn't........But I still had my Cross-Colors gear.
Song 5: Regulators: Warren G. I think it came out in 94, and EVERYONE had this song going that summer. I remember playing this song while playing basketball at King park. I have no idea why it reminds me of basketball (because I was horrible), but it does.....
Song 6: Actually the whole album of Do you want more?!?! by The Roots. I want to say this came out in 93/94 and it is hands down one of my all time favorites. I remember listening to Proceed all the time going to school. The place it puts me though is outside of Synders eating a kempswhich. I think I pretty much kept that tape on play all year.....and still do. Silent Treatment has pretty much been some kind of theme with every woman I've ever dated. I can pretty much guarantee that I've played this song on repeat during every relationship I've ever had.
Song 7: They Want EFX by Das EFX. This song was in the walkman during my first time in a train yard. I can remember every sound, smell and sight. When I hear this song I still get a nervous feeling like being caught or something.
Song 8: Ya Playin Yourself by Jeru. I will always remember the first time I heard this song. It was on Yo! and I thought "This guy is nuts"! Kung fu and hiphop?!? Why didn't I think of that? A week later I was in Tae Kwon Do and a month later I quite.
Song 9: U Can't Touch This : Hammer. Phelps Park was the first time I heard this, and yes, I learned the hammer dance because of this. I was the only white kid doing the hammer dance at Phelps Park. This song always reminded me of this summer. It was the first time I got into a real fight, and kissed a girl in the same day. Word!
Song 10: Iesha By ABC. For whatever reason, I sang this song to a girl who wasn't named Iesha and she dug it. That was in like 5th grade while at Long Lake on a camping trip. She then told me I was "hunky". I have no idea why I thought kickin' Iesha to her would win her over, but it did. We dated for a whole 3 days.
I guess I thought I had more relevant stuff to say on this, but I was amazed at how connected certain songs are to memories.
I keep waiting to play Summertime by ye' old Fresh Prince, but Minneapolis is lagging behind on the sunny weather.
I keep waiting to play Summertime by ye' old Fresh Prince, but Minneapolis is lagging behind on the sunny weather.
Other than that, the Lakers/Celtics are back to the classic finals in the NBA. And yes, my Cubs currently hold the best record in baseball and have more people going to the All-Star then any other team. 100 years and maaaaaybe another title?? We can only hope.
On other news, check out the St. Anthony art fair on the 14th.
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