So another birfday (yes, birfday) has come and gone, and as I am over halfway to 50 now, I feel I should be "getting older". But I don't. For instance, I'm still down with a water gun fight at 6am, sledding behind a car after a snowfall, sledding down dangerous hills at highs speeds and all other kinds of shenanigans. As I grow older, I am coming to one thought: I may never die. Now I know this sounds nuts, but here me out. Actually, it is a nutty though...so never mind.
I've also been really feeling random of late and here are some thoughts....(or pointless statements).
-I found my path to ride my bicycle from Minneapolis to Duluth. It should take 13 hours.
- Joose is great. I knew it was good, but it is great.
- I was told by some other colleagues in my teaching department, and they said I was the "go to guy" if they wanted to work in a group and get an A. That was trill.
- Hockey is cooler when it's in college (sorry Wild).
- In a very un-gay way, I miss Mike, Drew, Steve, Bickle and Victor. All the people that influenced me as a person have moved away. Had these people not been in the right place at the right time (as far as my life goes), I would be one of the lamest people ever. Thanks guys.
-I have re-fallen in love with smooth love jams that come on the radio at 1am. I don't really care about the music, tunes, lyrics or the artist, I just love when they ad lib and say "waaaaaaaahhhh giiiiirrrrllll".
-If life hands you lemons, you ponder if they should have been grapefruits.
- With no set summer courses this year, watch out for Jon B on a rock climbing adventure near you!
- In relation to my biking to Duluth trip, I am not as sexy as I thought in my biking shorts.
- You know those flicks of Lohan in the NY Magazine?? Well after seeing those, I've decided freckles are only cute on the face, not the entire body......
- Christina Aguilera is hot. She was pretty dope before her kid, but the chestile area has improved in a major way.
- "Oh Snap" is not used as much as I would like it to be......
- Older women are hot. Not the elderly lady, but those in between 28-43 can be the best looking group out there (in some instances).
Well I need to go and finish writing a paper. I just needed some random time. Thanks for peepsin' .
1 comment:
Older women make the world go round' !!!! Thanks for seeing that!
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