Holy snap, its' leap day! And for whatever reason, it has been one of the best days of all time. Why you ask? Because it has been. I will break it down real quick for you.
For starters, I have found the long lost dvd that is Meatballs 4. Ryan had rumored that it existed, and even showed me his copy. I have spent the last 2 months searching every store for the holy grail of bad movies. And today, I found it. I was so pumped, I actually yelled out "Oh Sniz-ap" in Best Buy. I freaked out a lady next to me who assumed I was going to steal her purse. I then did the 'baseball bat dance'. But what made the taste of victory even sweeter, was that I also found Ski School. Can you believe it?!?!? Someone was there buying American Gangster and I leaned over to her as she was checking out and said "pssshh, that movie is weak compared to the Feld." and then I showed her my movie. She gave me a very confused look and I left. Speaking of bad movies, I need to find: Disorderlies and Ski Patrol for my collection....
Then I got my haircut. Getting your haircut in Minnesota on a sunny day (and it's actually above 32 degrees) is awesome. I even had to throw in Summertime by the Fresh Prince while I got cut up.
I then made my way to the bakery so I can buy my every-Friday-muffin. There were no pistachio muffins in the case and I almost shed a tear. I asked the baker where they were, and he told me they were just getting done. Ooooooh, a hot muffin is oh so good! As I was checking out, I heard one of the dumbest, yet greatest quotes ever::
Lady to cashier (while writing a check)- Gosh, February 29th, I can't remember the last time we had a leap year.
Cashier- you know, I can't either. It has to have been a while.
Me (as I walked past them). You both must be half-retarded, it was 4 years ago.
Cashier- you know, I can't either. It has to have been a while.
Me (as I walked past them). You both must be half-retarded, it was 4 years ago.
They started mumbling something, but I just kept walking.
Spring Break is next week. I will be attending the National Social Studies conference. Not quite Cancun, but cool none the less.
I also pulled a prank (that I will not repeat telling because I've been scolded by every because of it) about 2 months ago, that is finally starting to pay off. It is quite possibly one of the cleverest, rawest, most insensitive things I have ever pulled off. Kudos to myself.
Drew will be back home in less than a month. Let the trillness begin.
I found an original copy of Too Shorts Get In Where You Fit In today. I threw it on the deck, and no scratches or anything. A gem if I do say so myself. If you have not heard this album, you're seriously missing out my friend.
That's about it, though the day is still young. Hopefully tonight will be dope with a capital D.
Well, that's about it yall. The book should be done by the end of summer, so keep an eye out. I still don't have a title yet....
I have no idea who this kid is, but I found this
picture, and it reminded me as a young 13 year old. Zubas, Cross Color shirt and Michigan hat. Oh how cool I was back in the day....
picture, and it reminded me as a young 13 year old. Zubas, Cross Color shirt and Michigan hat. Oh how cool I was back in the day....
On a random side note, I will (finally) graduate December 20th.
I think I'm going on EBAY to find some Zubas...and a snap bracelet.
1 comment:
you're too funny my friend. thank god for thoughts or i would be so bored at work
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