Friday, February 29, 2008

Leap days a go-go

Holy snap, its' leap day! And for whatever reason, it has been one of the best days of all time. Why you ask? Because it has been. I will break it down real quick for you.

For starters, I have found the long lost dvd that is Meatballs 4. Ryan had rumored that it existed, and even showed me his copy. I have spent the last 2 months searching every store for the holy grail of bad movies. And today, I found it. I was so pumped, I actually yelled out "Oh Sniz-ap" in Best Buy. I freaked out a lady next to me who assumed I was going to steal her purse. I then did the 'baseball bat dance'. But what made the taste of victory even sweeter, was that I also found Ski School. Can you believe it?!?!? Someone was there buying American Gangster and I leaned over to her as she was checking out and said "pssshh, that movie is weak compared to the Feld." and then I showed her my movie. She gave me a very confused look and I left. Speaking of bad movies, I need to find: Disorderlies and Ski Patrol for my collection....

Then I got my haircut. Getting your haircut in Minnesota on a sunny day (and it's actually above 32 degrees) is awesome. I even had to throw in Summertime by the Fresh Prince while I got cut up.

I then made my way to the bakery so I can buy my every-Friday-muffin. There were no pistachio muffins in the case and I almost shed a tear. I asked the baker where they were, and he told me they were just getting done. Ooooooh, a hot muffin is oh so good! As I was checking out, I heard one of the dumbest, yet greatest quotes ever::

Lady to cashier (while writing a check)- Gosh, February 29th, I can't remember the last time we had a leap year.
Cashier- you know, I can't either. It has to have been a while.
Me (as I walked past them). You both must be half-retarded, it was 4 years ago.
They started mumbling something, but I just kept walking.

Spring Break is next week. I will be attending the National Social Studies conference. Not quite Cancun, but cool none the less.

I also pulled a prank (that I will not repeat telling because I've been scolded by every because of it) about 2 months ago, that is finally starting to pay off. It is quite possibly one of the cleverest, rawest, most insensitive things I have ever pulled off. Kudos to myself.
Drew will be back home in less than a month. Let the trillness begin.

I found an original copy of Too Shorts Get In Where You Fit In today. I threw it on the deck, and no scratches or anything. A gem if I do say so myself. If you have not heard this album, you're seriously missing out my friend.

That's about it, though the day is still young. Hopefully tonight will be dope with a capital D.

Well, that's about it yall. The book should be done by the end of summer, so keep an eye out. I still don't have a title yet....

I have no idea who this kid is, but I found this
picture, and it reminded me as a young 13 year old. Zubas, Cross Color shirt and Michigan hat. Oh how cool I was back in the day....
On a random side note, I will (finally) graduate December 20th.
I think I'm going on EBAY to find some Zubas...and a snap bracelet.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Older, not so wiser

So another birfday (yes, birfday) has come and gone, and as I am over halfway to 50 now, I feel I should be "getting older". But I don't. For instance, I'm still down with a water gun fight at 6am, sledding behind a car after a snowfall, sledding down dangerous hills at highs speeds and all other kinds of shenanigans. As I grow older, I am coming to one thought: I may never die. Now I know this sounds nuts, but here me out. Actually, it is a nutty never mind.

I've also been really feeling random of late and here are some thoughts....(or pointless statements).

-I found my path to ride my bicycle from Minneapolis to Duluth. It should take 13 hours.
- Joose is great. I knew it was good, but it is great.
- I was told by some other colleagues in my teaching department, and they said I was the "go to guy" if they wanted to work in a group and get an A. That was trill.
- Hockey is cooler when it's in college (sorry Wild).
- In a very un-gay way, I miss Mike, Drew, Steve, Bickle and Victor. All the people that influenced me as a person have moved away. Had these people not been in the right place at the right time (as far as my life goes), I would be one of the lamest people ever. Thanks guys.
-I have re-fallen in love with smooth love jams that come on the radio at 1am. I don't really care about the music, tunes, lyrics or the artist, I just love when they ad lib and say "waaaaaaaahhhh giiiiirrrrllll".
-If life hands you lemons, you ponder if they should have been grapefruits.
- With no set summer courses this year, watch out for Jon B on a rock climbing adventure near you!
- In relation to my biking to Duluth trip, I am not as sexy as I thought in my biking shorts.
- You know those flicks of Lohan in the NY Magazine?? Well after seeing those, I've decided freckles are only cute on the face, not the entire body......
- Christina Aguilera is hot. She was pretty dope before her kid, but the chestile area has improved in a major way.
- "Oh Snap" is not used as much as I would like it to be......
- Older women are hot. Not the elderly lady, but those in between 28-43 can be the best looking group out there (in some instances).
Well I need to go and finish writing a paper. I just needed some random time. Thanks for peepsin' .

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Big L

Well folks, its been 9 years since Big L died. And I would argue that most people agree, if he was around today, hiphop would be mad different. I still think his last album was one of my favorite of all time. By far one of the greatest MC's of all time. Period. Check this listening of L and Jay Z back in the day. Even though Jay was older, L outshined him.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy fat baby with a bag o' arrows day

Well, its valentines day, and you know what that means? Unexpected VD......

But on to more important issues.

Have you ever noticed the very loose use of the word "sports"? Ok, I think the general public can agree on certain things: One of those things should be what sports are. And the other thing should be what are not sports.... Is hunting a sport? I doubt it. If you sit in a tree above the woods with a high powered rifle and shoot a deer, that's a little unfair. Thats like putting TeenWolf against present day Michael J Fox in a game of basketball (I know I just offeneded a TON of people). Now if you chase after a bear with a sharpend toothbrush you made in jail, THAT'S a sport! Poker: Not a sport. If you can drink beer and smoke a cigar while doing an activity, it is not a sport.
Golf: Yes, I agree it is a game, but not quite a sport--case and point is this guy swinging away....

Racing: Not a sport. You're in a car going fast...not exactly a sporting activity. Though I don't know how many people consider it sporting anyway. I do hear the arguement "But Jon, they're going like 200 miles an hour"! Ok, that's great except the fact that EVERYONE else is going that fast. It would be a lot cooler if they threw a guy in there who was racing a Daewoo or something.

Fishing: Not a sport. See "Drinking and smoking arguement"....

Ice Fishing: Even less of a sport......

Bowling: Not a sport. I've bowled, and I'm horrible to say the least. I once boweled an 18. No joke.

Thumb wrestling: A sport all the way! If you think differently, I will challenge you to the death!

Pool: No way is this a sport. Actually, most, if not all, turn-based activities are not sports.

Curling: Sport? Guess again. Lets play in Miami and not on the god-forsaken ice.

Why does ESPN air the National Spelling Bee? Is this considered a sport? I have no clue......

So I'm still waiting for the DirectTV guy to come and install my cable. He's supposed to be here beween 8am and noon. I have a hunch he'll be here at 11:58am.

I've been feeling really random lately, like thats anything new. I can't seem to wait for spring. I got this slammin' bike in the garage that is getting no usage because of this cold and snow.

Where is Patrick Swayze? and why is he not making a new movie with Ralph Macchio?

I might be Spring Breakin' with Ryan Ritchie in St Paul this year. It's been a running college joke for about 6 years now.

Speaking of Spring Breakin', Joose is the best thing to happen to nightlife in years!

You know those smooth jams that come on the radio real late at night? I've been rockin' out to those on my way home from work for the past month.....Oh yeah baby..

Well, thats about it. I need to get back to homework because I have papers upon papers to do, and an exam to study for.

So peace out to Gary Coleman and his monster of a wife.....if you haven't seen her, google it. She is too horrible looking for me to put on here.

So I will leave you with some of my favorite valentine quotes:

Girl you look good, why don't you back that thing up- Juvinille

24 flicks of Kodak/high heels and kojak -Kool Keith
I got a girl but about to switch all that/ she trying to act like she all that - Slick Rick
Actually these aren't valenine songs at all, but share the same smooth-love that rappers like. Peace out!

Saturday, February 9, 2008

So a lot of heads asked me to put up some San Fran videos on here. So here is one. It was from last summer when I kicked it with the Boo of Mikes. This is going across the Golden Gate Bridge. Mike boo is much triller on the bike than me.

Other than taht, not much is moves pretty slow in the middle of winter.