Whats that? The Vikings are going to beat Green Bay in Green Bay? And you're going to bet me a box of Mike and Ikes?? Time to pay up suckas! In case you missed it, the Packers beat the Vikings 34-0. Did I say beat?? I meant squashed. It's odd how a great game can start the week off so right. I never like to see players hurt, and Adrian Peterson is no exception. Besides the fact he plays under one of the worst coaches to come to the Vikings, he's a great talent. I hope it's nothing serious.
And what's with the Steelers?? Could they be the sneak attack in the AFC and route the Pats and Colts? Maybe......
Too bad for the Lions. I like John Kitna, and would like to see them do good (but not too good). -18 yards rushing? That's unheard of! Poor guys...And against the Cardinals?? Wow.
I always hear guys on the NFL networks talk about their "experts". What does it take to be an "NFL expert" for ESPN or Sports Illustrated?? I've decided that there are a few criteria: You have to be right 51% of the time, and have some coaching/playing/ lots and lots of watching experience of the game. Ok, so I played football my whole life, still semi-train for it, and am right over 50% of the time on who's going to win, so does that make me an "expert"? Yes, yes it does. So goodbye Jon the Internet funny guy, hello Jon the football expert. As I was jogging at the Y today, I was flipping through the latest edition of Sports Illustrated and they said "Don't bet on the Packers running for more than 50 yards the entire game against the Vikings. And look for the Saints to have their way against the Rams this weekend". Really wrong on both counts. So I thought "hey, I can make wacky claims about games and maybe someone will believe me, others will hate me for causing them to lose betting money:. So that will be a new section on here in the near future.
David Beckham also visited the Metradome to play soccer yesterday...As you guessed, more people showed up for the Oasis cover band in some kids garage, than watched that game. Did Pele' teach us nothing?? America doesn't care about soccer in the least. I think it's on the same plain as curling. One of the coolest things I've ever done, is watching a soccer game in the stadiums in Brazil. People in other countries get PUMPED for soccer. And its really amazing to watch, but it doesn't have the same jazz in America. Maybe one day, but Becks isn't the guy to do it.
On a very un-related note, its veterans day (observable). So go to the VFW and thank a veteran or something. WW1, 2, Korea and Vietnam are some of the most important conflicts our country has faced. And since I was more influenced by pretty-girl-chasing, playing sports, college and committing random
crimes, I never joined up. I get enough of people trying to shoot at me as I walk through the hood, so I guess I never saw the draw for me to go overseas to have someone shoot at me. So for that, I thank all the people that have the ability to do that. How much we actually owe the people who fight in wars, we will never know. Had we not fought or won, our country would be obviously different. So thank someone when you can, not just today.
So happy Monday yall'! And remember:: "It's better to be injured by someone you know on accident, then by someone you don't know on purpose". -Dwight.
I also have no clue why I've been listening to Michael Jackson's "The way you make me feel" a lot lately. Though the song is good in itself, I guess I just dig people who say "Sha-c'mone" in a song.
Also, I got to see some rough cuts of the new Lost Boys 2 movie. It looks pretty good. Corey Feldman is dope as a frog brother. The only downside?? There's no Haim in the flick.
And what's with the Steelers?? Could they be the sneak attack in the AFC and route the Pats and Colts? Maybe......
Too bad for the Lions. I like John Kitna, and would like to see them do good (but not too good). -18 yards rushing? That's unheard of! Poor guys...And against the Cardinals?? Wow.
I always hear guys on the NFL networks talk about their "experts". What does it take to be an "NFL expert" for ESPN or Sports Illustrated?? I've decided that there are a few criteria: You have to be right 51% of the time, and have some coaching/playing/ lots and lots of watching experience of the game. Ok, so I played football my whole life, still semi-train for it, and am right over 50% of the time on who's going to win, so does that make me an "expert"? Yes, yes it does. So goodbye Jon the Internet funny guy, hello Jon the football expert. As I was jogging at the Y today, I was flipping through the latest edition of Sports Illustrated and they said "Don't bet on the Packers running for more than 50 yards the entire game against the Vikings. And look for the Saints to have their way against the Rams this weekend". Really wrong on both counts. So I thought "hey, I can make wacky claims about games and maybe someone will believe me, others will hate me for causing them to lose betting money:. So that will be a new section on here in the near future.
David Beckham also visited the Metradome to play soccer yesterday...As you guessed, more people showed up for the Oasis cover band in some kids garage, than watched that game. Did Pele' teach us nothing?? America doesn't care about soccer in the least. I think it's on the same plain as curling. One of the coolest things I've ever done, is watching a soccer game in the stadiums in Brazil. People in other countries get PUMPED for soccer. And its really amazing to watch, but it doesn't have the same jazz in America. Maybe one day, but Becks isn't the guy to do it.
On a very un-related note, its veterans day (observable). So go to the VFW and thank a veteran or something. WW1, 2, Korea and Vietnam are some of the most important conflicts our country has faced. And since I was more influenced by pretty-girl-chasing, playing sports, college and committing random

So happy Monday yall'! And remember:: "It's better to be injured by someone you know on accident, then by someone you don't know on purpose". -Dwight.
I also have no clue why I've been listening to Michael Jackson's "The way you make me feel" a lot lately. Though the song is good in itself, I guess I just dig people who say "Sha-c'mone" in a song.
Also, I got to see some rough cuts of the new Lost Boys 2 movie. It looks pretty good. Corey Feldman is dope as a frog brother. The only downside?? There's no Haim in the flick.
Yes, I, along with 3 other people do owe you a box of Mike and Ikes. I never knew you were a Lions fan?? Still holding on to those Barry Sanders days?
Jon the internet funny guy? How about just the funny guy??
By "still semi-training" do you mean your hill sprints at Lake Harriet?? I don't think football is played on a hill my chum! Stick to the tire runs.
I still cannot believe the Packers. I keep forgetting they're good.
Well, I was going to come over and see what you're all about seeing as you're a Swish-reader (shout-out to Swishy, my BBFF!), but then I saw SPORTS STUFF like football posted here, and couldn't get through it.
s o r r y .
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