So I was walking through the grocery store the other day, and came upon a cardboard cutout of fiddy-cent himself. Below it, was the slogan "You wanna be like 50? Drink Vitamin Water" I thought to myself...."Do I want to be a super buff black guy who talks kinda funny (for getting SHOT in the face mind you), macks on hot chicks all day, and could shoot you".....yes I do. I noticed there is a special type of Vitamin water called Formula 50. I quickly started drinking it (don't worry, I paid for it). And I had visions of Family Matters in that episode where Urkle builds that machine to make him cool, and it turns into the ever-so-pimp Stephon. Then he got all kinds of chickies. After drinking the water, all I had to do was pee. But then I thought to myself "

I've also noticed that this is a Twin Cities page, and I haven't reviewed many (or any) things on here...My bad. More to come...trust me.
Whatever happened to Lisa Loeb?? She wrote a whole song about Stay then she just left us. Not that I was a fan of hers, but I have that stupid song stuck in my head. ".....So I, I turn the radio on, I turn the radio up...." I bet she's hanging out in the self help section of Barnes and Noble.
Happy Wednesday yall. Go Cubs.
Happy Wednesday yall. Go Cubs.
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