Why has America lost its hotness? I've noticed lately that all the smokin hot-hotties are coming from across the pond. Forget what you've heard about bad teeth and fat ankles, those British girls are dope. period.
Check this first hottie. Her name is Cheryl Tweedy. I have NO IDEA what she does for a living except look hot. I'm sure she works at the corner market as a cashier or something plain like that. From what I hear...ALL these British dames are smokin. I dug into it more and found another steamer.
Check this first hottie. Her name is Cheryl Tweedy. I have NO IDEA what she does for a living except look hot. I'm sure she works at the corner market as a cashier or something plain like that. From what I hear...ALL these British dames are smokin. I dug into it more and found another steamer.

This next girl is Elin Grindemyr. Again, NO CLUE why she is famous over there, but I can only guess its for being a cutie.....I'm living in the wrong country. Why don't we have these quality of girls on TV or movies?? In fact, we make movies about ugly women. For instance, the normally good lookin' Charliez Theron had to spend hours on end getting "Ugglified" (Is that a word?? Who cares, I just made it up, so it is now). Anyway, why not just have Ms. Theron stay as her usual hotness?? Because Americans love ugly. That's why most people hate me!! So I leave you with this--don't watch shows that keep fugly
girlies on tv/movies......lets follow our cousins overseas and put some spice back in these TV dinners....Case and point:: Ugly Betty.....what is wrong with people??

you're a pig.
Drew deez says that the reason Charlize Theron is so hot is because she is from South Africa. That is a truism my friend. Jon B, you are no pig, this is the truth. I have been all over the world and American women truly are the ugliest. It is just a fact. American is the only country where fatness is not only tolerated, it is glamorized. "I ain't fat, I just thick" Alright, before anyone pops of, YES i know in some places fat means your wealthy blah, blah, blah. It's still fucking gross people.
Love the examples. (dude you total skip Brazil. WTF)
You make a great case.
I think it's a fucking national epidemic is what it is, and should be of highest priority!
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