Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Buenos Nachos

I've decided to interject random comparisons into everyday conversations with people. For instance, some people might say "that's the pot calling the kettle black" or "it takes one to know one". But I like mine to be so obtuse yet realistic, that it confuses people.
Like today, someone was complaining about how the Twins are having a poor season. My response: "Sometimes you gotta be the dumps to come out like Apollo Creed". This works two-fold. 1, it's complete B.S. The phrase makes no logical sense whatsoever. 2. It does have some merit. The Twins are currently in the dumps, and Apollo Creed was the boxing champ that pummeled Rocky. So it sortaaaaaa makes sense. In the end, my goal of puzzling my peer was achieved.

So here are some more random thoughts. Happy Tuesday
-Is it just me, or do knees look really creepy when someone is just standing?
-I should start a new trend. Instead of tweeting, let's start faxing one another
-I wonder if Drew is reading this?
-I'm not a fan of The Game, but I've been banging "Ricky" quite a bit today
-Remember, no matter how bad it get's, you're still better off than someone fatter than you
-I can't believe the MN State Fair is upon us. It is the unofficial end of Summer. Like most warm seasons here, it has come and gone much too quick
-I'm hungry. I need some scrambled eggs
-Steve is dead to me. Well, maybe not ALL the way dead. More like a zombie to me

1 comment:

Drew (the guy you want to know if I am reading this) said...

Yep, I'm reading this. At work none-the-less. You are contributing to my slackiness and I can get down to that.