So as I was doing some web based research (see "Lafours from Mallrats other roles"), and I came upon an article from MSN about the worst movies made by celebrities. Ok, now Crossroads (Spears version, not Macchio), The Hottie and the Nottie, From Justin to Kelly all deserve to be on the list. But one of their top flops was the cinema classic--Cool As Ice. If I remember correct, this film was in hot contention with Silence of the Lambs for movie of the year. And I'm pretty sure Vanilla Ice almost beat out Anthony Hopkins for best actor. As a kid, I had this soundtrack on my walkman all day! I also had pants that looked exactly like the Ice mans......Sad to say, but true.

But one movie they chose to leave off the list, was the classic flick Disorderlies starring the Fat Boys. I loved this show.....I wish the Fatboys would do some kind of comeback.
In other internet worthy notes, I got some goofy virus or something on the computer last week. So I've been out of commission for a while. But it appears as though I'm back. Whew!
Well, that's about all I have. Make sure to check out the Punk Rock Prom coming up!
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