In a follow up email I received, it seems as though UNICO is trying to get the show banned. And Dominoes and other advertisers have dropped the endorsements for the show.....
I think I need a flu shot after watching the 5 minutes....
Maybe not on like Donkey Kong, but it's definitely on. It's about 12 weeks away for the TwinCities Marathon. Enough time for me to get back into the swing of things. So, tomorrow will be the first 12 mile run of the season. The next week, I should fill out the official registration form for the race.
In unrelated news, I'm still WAY too busy at work to be on here. But come Labor Day, look for more.
1. Never rat out a friend.
2. Everyone is going to commit a crime at some point in time. This may be speeding, stealing a candy bar, or bank robbery. Don't commit crimes against people. It's one thing to swipe a ipod from Best Buy, it's another thing to knock down an old lady and take hers.
3. Hold open doors. Not just for good looking women, but for elderly, children and yes, even dorky guys.
4. Read. Read. Read. Put down that XBOX and pick up a book. And I mean a good book. Skip the Twilight and Harry Potter and grab Ulysses or Huck Finn.
5. Learn to cook. Taking the time to prepare, cook and serve food makes it so much better than someone else doing it. Have at least 5 good dishes you can whip out whenever the need arises.
6. Write a handwritten letter whenever possible. Emails and texts are fine, but there's just something about someone writing you something.
7. Don't waste time hating political people/commentators. Sure, most politicians are idiots. But nobody cares what you think about Obama, Palin or anyone else. Keep your thoughts about religion and politics to yourself.
8. Learn the names of the members of the Supreme Court. They make some of the most important decisions in our country. You should at least know their names.
9. Enjoy classical music. Go see a concert (preferably outdoors). And take some time to relax. I know it sounds corny, but put some music on, have some nice red wine, food and chill. There's nothing better than all of your senses going at once.
10. Travel. And travel like a traveler. Don't go to a different country and stay at the Holiday Inn and only eat Mcdonalds. Challenge yourself to be different and try different things. If something isn't to your liking, change your liking. Sure, the sites are good, but spend time living "Like the Romans do". Eat at small shops, and enjoy the cities and countries for what they have to offer. If it wasn't for Mike, I would have taken a trolley car all over San Francisco and never had the experience I did. The best way to see London was from the back of a bike--ok, a scooter.
11. Have a passion. Whether that's gearing, skiing, reading or painting. Have something that you enjoy doing that can ease stress.
12. Take time to be alone. Go out in the woods or something for a weekend alone. It's amazing what you might find.
13. Buy lemonade from a kids' stand whenever possible.
14. Listen to records once in a while. They sound better, and let's face it--are better on any given day than your ipod.
15. Remember those kids games you used to play?? Play them again. Get some people together for some dodgeball or kickball. Your inner child is dying to get out....
Wow. It's hard to believe that Michael Jackson died. As a young lad, the first dance and song I ever learned was Beat It. Regardless of his odd personal life in the later years, he is the music icon of my generation. We never had the Rolling Stones (well, technically), Elvis, The Beatles or James Brown. We had Michael. There is not a one of us that didn't get down to Thriller, Smooth Criminal or Billy Jean. I think we got so wrapped up in his oddness, that we forgot how talented this guy was. Now, all we have are records and memories.
So people send me all kinds of pictures, videos, quotes and such all the time. However, this kid was sent to me on Friday, and it creeps me out.
In Final Four news, I'm quite happy that Michigan is in the finals. Since Minnesota couldn't make it out of the first round, and North Dakota and Wisconsin didn't fair well either, Michigan is the closest thing to a "home team".
So my plans to bike for a while today was thwarted by this snow.
Dear March,
Wow, I'm not quite sure how to say this. We had a good run. But I have to be honest. It's not you, it's me. Really. We were nothing more than a spring fling. I was in a strange place in my life, and you only come around once a year. Oh who am I kidding, you and I were never meant for each other. I enjoy bikes and running outside. You're all about cloudy days and lingering snow. I think it's best for us to part ways and move on. Sorry. We'll still be friends right? I'll still keep you on my calender--I promise.
Dear end of April weather,
How you doin'? giggity!
So if all goes to plan, in two weeks I'll be sitting in jolly old England sipping tea and crumpets. I'll be picking up my new camera this week so I can actually take some decent pictures while in Europe.
Jay Culter a Bear?? I was really bummed when he left Denver, hopefully this works for him.
Stupid Yankees beat the Cubs......
I can't wait for the baseball season to get into full swing. Thankfully the Twins will be out of that dome at the end of the regular season (because they have no shot at the playoffs this year).
I'm slowly planning a scheme. I mean the kind of scheme that takes 6 people sitting around a dimly lit round table with blueprints in the middle. The kind of scheme that will allow me to yell "45 seconds left" during the act. The kind of scheme that needs 6 people with odd traits to pull off (the tech guy, the muscle, the brains, the guy with an eye patch). Mostly, I just want to climb around in some heating ducts with a helmet flashlight, wearing all black. I've been watching too many movies......
Peace out.
Remember that movie Vision Quest? I'm pretty sure it starred Jake Ryan as a Native American wrestler who wasn't actually Native American....Anywho, it was on over the weekend and I forgot how good this 80's flick was! I like how the cove doesn't really have anything to do with the movie either.
In other news, I'm currently #1 in 2 different NCAA brackets. The Locals, and Swishyville! Though when we get the sweet 16 I will be falling to about 3rd and 4th place. Darn you West Virginia!
I spent way too long in Barnes and Noble the other day looking for a new book. I didn't find anything good. That is one of the few times that has happened....
It also seems as though something is missing in Minneapolis these days.....Hmmmm, I can't quite put my cherry, err, my finger on it. It really does look different these days in the sculpture garden. It sure is nice to see the snow leaving the city.
Well I better be getting off to the grocery store. I need some pita bread.
But in unrelated news, we finally found a good place to stay in France this year. London was a lock, but Paris was kinda iffy. I've been doing some research on odd stuff to do there, and there are all kinds of crazy stories about scams and swindlers. I sort of want to run across them, but if it involves them snatching my camera, I'd rather not. It can't be worse than broad day car jackings in Brazil (circa 2001). I just need to make sure I set aside a wine fund to ship boxes upon boxes back......
And it looks like Target Field is coming along pretty good for the Twins. I drive past it almost every week and it's starting to look like a real stadium. The best part of this whole deal? Kristen's office is in one of those buildings RIGHT by the field. From her window I can look right down into the field. Say hello to a few lunch breaks during day games!
I wish there was more going on in the Twin Cities to talk about, but it's been pretty slow this week. Well, it's off to get a pistachio muffin and some coffee before the snow hits.
So it was going to happen sooner or later. The winter cold. Yesterday it hit in full effect and looks to keep me down for my birfday. I hate taking medicine, so I resort to liquids and age-old remedies. So needless to say, I'll be off here for a while. Back to bed with a sore head and runny nose....
The teacher looks at me and asks "So Jon, what is it that you're good at"? I gave him a serious look and replied "After much consideration, I've come to the conclusion that I'm good at everything". Mr. Kennedy gave me a "here-we-go-again" sigh and asked me to elaborate. I explained that while I may not be an expert at photo taking, I was good at it. While I may not be drafted into the NFL out of high school, I was in fact, good at the sport. And while I may not be qualified to write a book about picking up ladies, I was good at it (I backed the last statement up with my ability to wow out of town girls at the Mall of America). And I probably cannot make you a quilt, I was good at cross-stitching (an elective activity I learned at Field School in the 6th grade along with Dan and Ryan--we figured it was an easy A). So I went on about a few other things I was decently good at, and wrapped up my presentation. The teacher sat there tapping his pencil against his lip for a few moments before replying "Mr. B, you're quite sure of yourself aren't you"? I thought about it and said I was. He then badgered me about how nobody could possibly be good at everything.
So to prove my grade-worthy ability, I opened a challenge. Everyone in the class could pick a task, I would try my hand at it, and if I failed at the task, we could assume that I was not good at everything. If however I did not fail (only marginally succeeded), I would receive an A. This actually ate up almost a full weeks of English class. So to break it down, here were tasks I was good at:
Jump rope
Quadratic Equations
Guess Who
Writing limericks and haiku's
But, there were in fact things I was not good at......
The Oboe
Dunking a basketball (though 5'5 at the time, it was no wonder)
Making things out of clay on a wheel
So the moral of this trifle story is that I have too much time on my hands......
One thing I wish I would have done in my life, was to win that SoapBox Derby race. You know the type: The big day is Saturday, if you want Suzie to like you--you'd better win, Banks McGee (the neighborhood bully) is also building a soapbox with oil spurts out of the back-spikes from the tires and weights in the front to go faster. **Sidenote** I think I will either make a short story about this odd past time, or make a funny movie this summer**
Another plan for this Winter, is to take a retreat. There are these one-room cabins in the middle of the North Woods. No electronics, no phones, no modern things at all. You heat them with a wood stove, eat basic foods, and basically spend 48 hours alone to reflect. For some reason it sounds really appealing to me. Nothing but silence, snow and the crackle of a fire stove. Maybe I'll finish one of these books....
And on a final note, why do we have SO MANY useless talents? When we were hunters and gatherers, we needed talents to survive. But as we've evolved, we've acquired talents and skills that mean absolutely nothing. How is juggling going to help me defend a lion in the wild?? Maybe I can juggle some yarn and he would be memorised, but more than likely, he'll just eat me.
Now some talents help us in day to day activities (like the talent of talking and persuasive writing). But most talents are pointless. Another example of pointless talents would be imitations. Sure they make for a fun Friday night after a few drinks, and you convince a Holiday Inn clerk that you are Tony Danza, but it's pretty worthless. But weaving a basket out of birch bark might not be the smoothest party trick.
**New goal--find some kind of natural talent that would come in handy one day**
Actually, this is the final note: The other day I'm going to sleep, and on TV is Ski Patrol. No lie. At 2am it was on. I had to watch it out of respect for a bad movie. And it really is a bad movie. I can't believe we never watched this on Bad Movie Night. I'm busy searching Amazon for it on DVD now.
I'm not really sure why I liked the photo of the kid who is drinking out of the bucket instead of the hose, but I sorta struck me as something I would have done.