So as I'm sitting and watching Sportscenter with some starburst, I come across a segment about 5-6 year olds partaking in MMA fights. Wow. Whatever happened to kids playing dodgeball, 4-square and not getting picked for basketball?? For some reason, kids putting other kids in a compression locks seems a little much. Now don't get me wrong, I was ALL ABOUT tae kwon do for about two weeks (before I realized it was pointless) while I was 12. And when I hit the summer of 9th grade, I started learning Brazilian jujitsu. The difference? I was learning from one person in a one-on-one basis. I wasn't being "trained to fight".I had no intention of actually fighting anyone, partaking in any tournament, or one day growing up to be a cage fighter. I've also been to Brazil on many occasions for this purpose. I don't think a 9 year old has quite the capacity for this kind of thing. It was actually kind of appalling to watch a class full of 30 kids beating up on each other on Sportscenter. Now when the day comes where a little-me is running around, I'm pretty sure I'll teach him/her the same things I've learned. I think it's important to know how to defend yourself, while never actually having to do it. With that, I'll step off this soap box thingy......
So a week ago Kristen and me sent off for the Minnesota zoo where they have the new Grizzly bear exhibit. For some reason, they're REALLY close. MAD amounts of money went into this thing. The bears actually fish for their own salmon in the stream.....
And a swimming bear....
And due to the fact that it was Thursday, I hit the farmers market downtown. These two ladies have become favorites of mine. They sell Buffalo meat. I know it sounds odd, but it's actually really healthy and not to bad when it's cooked up....I've become known as "shiny-bike" to them. I also ran into Bree on the Nicollet Mall. That was quite trill.
I have no clue who this guy in the red is, but I tried to get part of the skyline in the background....
And finally, Minneapolis is funding a mural project down Nicollet Ave. This is the one that is being done on the King Park Building. As I was riding, I didn't see the other murals being worked on. All-in-all there should be 10 murals. The murals are all different and seem to look pretty good. If I see more, I'll post them.
King Building again......I should have held something up for scale...
My new favorite thing in the world (well- besides ninjas, joose, sporks, the first 3 seasons of Dawsons Creek, no-stick-bandaids, the episode of Scrubs where Turk dances to Poisen, zubaz and pagers) is Photobombing. Some people have termed it "that guy" photos. To put it simply, it's where a person is found in a photograph that shouldn't be there, and pretty much ruins it for the intended party. I myself have been doing it for years, but now it's caught on to the masses. Here are some examples:
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