(I'm not sure what this cool cupcake has to do with anything, but it fit the theme I guess).
So as most of you know, this past weekend, the original Jon B was an official History Day judge. That's right, they put me in charge of kids futures in relation to school! Needless to say it was a great experience. Afterwards, a few sociology majors and me are talking about important things like the proper way to eat a marshmallow, when a girl comes up behind me and politely taps me on the shoulder. I turned around and it was one of the girls I judged. She says "Thanks for being my judge at the fair, it was really awesome, and I got voted into State". I replied that it was my pleasure and she should continue to pursue her interests in history. But then I got this feeling in my stomach. I assumed it was a kidney stone, but it wasn't. I took some Tums to try to combat the feeling, but it wouldn't go away. I then realized that the feeling wasn't indigestion, but the warm fuzzies. I did a good deed, and this is the feeling you get afterwards. The feeling quickly left when I put hot mustard in someones Coke as a prank....The feeling became one of hard-stomach-laughing!

This picture has nothing to do with anything, except that it reminded me of a young me...at least the kid has his hands full of priorities....

And the Twins won thier first game, but until they go out and find Bo Jackson, I doubt they'll win the World Series anytime soon...The Cubs on the other hand, will win it all this year. Mark my words my good friends. It is the Cubs' year!
That picture of the kid is CLASSIC! ha ha ha.
i'm kind of worried for you that you didn't recognize the warm fuzzies.
perhaps you need more kittens hugging themselves in your life.
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