So in case you have not noticed, the 2007 NBA draft is done and over (thank god). And it appears that this gem right here is the future of the Timberwolves franchise. His name is Corey Brewer. I would be willing to bet that spelling his own name takes most, if not all, of his attention. I was watching his press meeting after the draft, and I thought (in all honesty) that he was a special ed kid. I thought someone was doing a make a wish, but no, this guy is the real deal for our Minnesota Timberwolves. My favorite thing he said was "Me and KG got the same cell phone." What?? Of all the things you could say about playing professional basketball with one of the best players ever, is that you have the same cell phone!!??!! All this guy did was chuckle to himself and drool a little on his coat. For gods sake, your a pro player, the least you could do was wear your hat straight. I guess we can look to another season of not making the playoffs. On another note, I wonder when the T-Wolves are going to start complaining about getting a new stadium??
Mr. TG himself (Tony Glover..mista lova lova) was in town this past weekend and we got up and did the BBQ thing. It was good seing everyone like Belk and Anna. I gotta try and stay in touch with people more often. I forget how good a times we all had, but this thorn in my side called school and responsiblility keeps bringing me down. I spend way too much time studying and getting grades, and a lot less time being the old school clown I know and love. Hell, I only go out and hit spots like once a month. I used to go out twice a week. But I suppose fines, jail and probation change the way you think about writing. One of the best things ever said to me was by a guy who was in jail for assault and auto theft "You got locked up for painting your name on a building? Thats the dumbest thing I've ever heard. You mean to tell me you got nothing better to do with your time then spray paint names on places? At least sell drugs or something real." I guess he's got a point. So needless to say I'm getting a little old to be out hitting the streets.
Skud Missles/Add-a-lesson will be back. Mark my words. The renunion tour comming soon. Stay dry you seals, it looks like its going to be a wet day. And also, keep all your fingers this 4th. Look for the G's and hustlers blasting all night long.
Cubs won again last night. I think thats 9 wins in a row. Rock out fellas.
Twincities Greatest.TopGun.TheGreats.TwinGirlies.TwoGoons. Whatever you call it, just call it.
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