Well, my pre-birthday bash went stellar as planned. Kristen cold rocked it! I also found out I have a very strong affinity for fois gras. We went out on Friday, and had, quite possibly, the tastiest duck dish I've ever had (short of the one we had in Paris). It was actually paired with the right amount of sweet rice and cilantro. Wow, as I type this I really think I sound like a food snob....I might have to eat some Ramen to make up for it!
-If you haven't downloaded Asher Roth's Pabst & Jazz album, you're sorely missing out
-Apparently the Timberwolves are a real team this year. Not that they're winning many games, but they're better than watching college basketball for the first time in 4 years
-What can one man do with a $40 salt shaker?
-Mike Boo was in town the other week. Whenever he comes to Minneapolis, I aptly name that weekend: Mike-Boo-a-Palooza. He should come back more often.
-Some days I really feel like I'm a closet hipster. I caught myself saying "yeah, but they were better before they got on TV". Apparently something is only cool if I am the only one who knows about it. The minute it catches on, it is no longer on the radar. What a silly way to think.
Well, it's off to finish the birthday week. I can't believe it's the big 3-0. I'm really getting old.....