Sunday, December 28, 2008

Here's to you (crazy old blogger-lady)

Even if this 60 year old lady reads this, I've already told her she is a crazy old blogger lady. So there's no hard feelings at all.

Anyway, to make a long story short, I'm typing away at the coffee spot, and there's an older (very crazy lady) also typing away. She keeps looking at me and finally comes over to chat. Apparently she is also an avid blogger and shows me her site (which I forgot). She asks about mine and looks at it. She then tells me how horrible it is, and that I should be writing about more important things (like kittens with yarn, 2010 calenders, itchy pillows and greeting cards). But she did give me an idea about some topics. One of those is the "50 of me" series. So basically I'll start up a post and go through 50 random facts about me.....She was CONVINCED that this is a humorous and entertaining idea, and won't be boring for those reading it.

So that will be the next post because I don't have that much time.....

I'm pretty pumped about some random book I got--"The story of Edgar Sawtelle". From what I've heard, it's a good one.

And today is going to be one of those dissapointing Sundays. The Jets and Vikings will probably miss the playoffs all together.

Speaking of random things, honey dijon chips are pretty good...

I've also become a huge fan of my wine decanter. It's the trillest thing since spendy glasses.

I need to get over this horrible cold. It was Joe Joe's Birfday yesterday, and I missed it all together because I was laid up with some Vicks!

So one of my ex students sent me a link to some "good music". Now my students are who keep me up and slang and popular music, but I was VERY pleasantly surprised when the link lead to De La Souls' 3 Feet High and Rising album....maybe the youth isn't lost as I thought!

Now it's off to figure out this external hard drive doohicky.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Life and lessons learned

I wish winter was over. It isn't even the new years yet, and already I'm longing for warm days to bike in....

On the upside, teaching for the year is over. AND I finally graduated from college. More on that stuff later.

I have semi-decided to make some new years resolutions this year... Normally I skip out on ever making them because they never work (see 2002--Only speak in a British accent or 1993--stop wearing a dashiki). Anyway, this year I will be making the bike trek from Minneapolis to Chicago, flying back out to San Francisco and start playing an instrument. Now I'd like to play a really cool instrument like the banjo or the oboe. Or maybe I'll just work on finally learning to play chopsticks on the piano....

I finally got the chance to see A Christmas Carol at the Guthrie theater the other day. I have to say, it was probably one of the best productions I've seen. Next up, A Bronx Tale at the State Theater (that's in June I think).

Well, it's off to finishing ChristmaHanuKwanzza shopping. Nothing like waiting until the last minute.....

So I leave all of you with the gift of a photo. Chris Farley's back.....

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Good things, not so good things

So here is a new plan of mine. On Wednesday I will be finished teaching, writing thirty page essays and giving lectures to people that have had three times the schooling I've had. A new goal of mine is to do things/activities that everyone says are really good, but I've never had the need to do it. One of those things is going to an opera. Everyone says they're awesome, but I've never really had the desire to sit through one. Well, that's about to change. Another thing to do, is read War and Peace. Of all the books I've sat down with over the years, this has never been one. I'm not 100% sure why I've never read it, but I suppose I should get around to it. The final thing for this month I will try to do is hustle someone in a pool game. Now this may be tricky because I'm quite bad at billiards (this may require hanging out at 11-year old birthday parties--which leads to some more troubling questions). But I see it in the movies all the time, so I should really try to hustle someone out of money. I'll wear a fancy tux, stand in the corner all smooth-like, and probably talk like those old time criminals "See copper, I didn't do it, ya scheee. A wise guy huh? Well how about I dance with your dame". Ok, maybe I'll skip that last part.....
I just heard that we're expecting 6-8 inches (that's what she said) of snow today.....I'm sure traffic will be great in the morning.....*sigh*

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Bingo Banjango

So it's pretty much official: Winter is here to stay.... Deb and Chris snapped a good one of a semi-frozen Mississippi running through Minneapolis.

So I finally got my bumper fixed. A few weeks ago some kid on his 18th birthday bumped into me and dinged up my car. The conversation that followed between him, myself, his three friends and his mom were pretty funny. But anyway, I'm all worried that the rental car is going to be horrible in the snow and blah blah blah. And it was. So they gave me this automobile achievement--the Kia Rio. Let's just say that when I got my car back yesterday, I was chipper as could be. I don't think I made it above 65 in the Rio.....

Ooh, and yes, it is that time of year for the Beaujolais and Marzipan. If you haven't had marzipan, it's quite the good snack/treat. It tastes nothing like the fruits their made out to be. It's made with sugar, almond and sometimes vanilla. They're mighty good with some wine. And that's where the Beaujolais comes in (even though one treat is Italian and the wine is French). But who really pays that close attention...
AND, as I'm picking up a bottle of the Beaujolais, some guy is making snide comments about how it's not real wine, and it shouldn't even be in the same stores with real wine. I then asked him to tell that to his sister, because I was sick of bringing bottles over to her. That shut him up and made the store employees chuckle.
I've been playing the Charlie Brown Christmas soundtrack a lot lately. Of course, not when anyone is around, but loud enough in the house so I can hear it.... Gotta love St. Paul cartoons and the music that goes with it!
And again, I wish there was some cool and random story to tell, but until December 20th, that won't be happening.