Friday, December 28, 2007
R. Kelly: Greatest musical genius of our time?

Thursday, December 27, 2007
The day after, the day after Christmas

Whats up fellow Internet goons? I hope everyone had a good holiday season. As far as I know, none of us ended up in jail. See that picture to the left? Deb and Chris took it. I have to give full rights to that.
In case you missed it, Steve also had a birfday (yes, I said birfday). It was trill (or treal).
Finals are finally over, so I should be dropping more random notes on here.
For whatever reason, I've been bumping Regulators by Warren G lately. I don't know why........
Well, its semi-official. Within a year, I should be done with school with more degrees than a thermometer.
Did anyone see that horrible Vikings game last Sunday night?? Makes me ashamed to live here......even though I can't really stand the team.
Speaking of things from Minnesota, if anyone gets a chance, check out Drew Downs tattoo. The Minneapolis skyline.....Thank god he didn't go with the St. Louis Park water tower.
Streets beware: Johnny B got a new bicycle. So come Spring, watch out for a skinny guy with no pants on rolling through your hood.
But one of the best Christmas presents has to be 2 cans of Joose from Mike Boo. You can't find that drink in the Twin Cities (I've checked EVERYWHERE). But Mike brought some from San Francisco. Trill.
Well, that's it for now. There will be a 'new movie idea' post in a day or so.
And remember: Talk is cheap, that's why everyone can afford it.