For those of us who live in Minnesota, we all know about the Packers. Of all the teams within the NFL, the Pack are the Vikings arch-nemesis. They are the Joker to Batman, Lex Luther to Superman, Gargamel to the Smurfs, Zach Morris and AC Slater. But of all the Packers players, Brett Favre is the face and number of Green Bay. There is no question that he is the most legendary quarterback (and probably player) in the NFL right now. Some were lucky enough to be at the Metradome today (cough-cough), and witness the record held by Dan Marino broken. That record was the most touchdowns ever thrown by a quarterback. I gotta give it up to the fans in Minnesota. When that touchdown was thrown, EVERYONE stood up and gave an
ovation. An applaud that was long overdue. To see someone of that caliber playing at a level that most thought was long gone, is something to tell your grand kids about. When its all said and done, I don't think Brett will care about the records, but he will care about the game. For those of us who have seen the guy play, you know that there is probably no player that plays with the emotion he does. It truly is something to be amazed at. Feel what you will about the Packers, Brett Favre is a legend that can still go out there and sling it better than most. 
A question I've been pondering is why are some teams fans so insanely devoted? Look at the Packers, they could lose every game of the year, and Lambeau would still be sold out. Same with the the Cubs. Why can't we be like that in Minnesota? Granted, I'm calling the kettle black (being a Cubs fan myself), but why don't people in Minnesota rally around their teams like other states? Oddly enough, I've seen way more Cubbies games than Twins. And I've taped every Packers game since 1994, and bought every Sports Illustrated, Time and People magazine with a Packer on the cover.I own more Packers memorabilia than anyone I know, and I actually devoted an entire room in my house to the team. Yeah, I'm sorta lame that way. I've cheered my teams through playoffs, Superbowl's, and horrible losing seasons, but they're still my teams. I've always been a hard Northstars fan, but haven't quite fallen in love with the Wild....but maybe one day.
I just wanted to say big up to the Packers. Its nice win a few games every once in a while. And like I said a few weeks ago--watch out for Adrian Peterson aka the rookie of the year. Lets just hope the green and gold can stay on this pace for the rest of the year. So congrats Brett. 422!

A question I've been pondering is why are some teams fans so insanely devoted? Look at the Packers, they could lose every game of the year, and Lambeau would still be sold out. Same with the the Cubs. Why can't we be like that in Minnesota? Granted, I'm calling the kettle black (being a Cubs fan myself), but why don't people in Minnesota rally around their teams like other states? Oddly enough, I've seen way more Cubbies games than Twins. And I've taped every Packers game since 1994, and bought every Sports Illustrated, Time and People magazine with a Packer on the cover.I own more Packers memorabilia than anyone I know, and I actually devoted an entire room in my house to the team. Yeah, I'm sorta lame that way. I've cheered my teams through playoffs, Superbowl's, and horrible losing seasons, but they're still my teams. I've always been a hard Northstars fan, but haven't quite fallen in love with the Wild....but maybe one day.