Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Sidetrip: To Napa and back

As someone who enjoys wine, a trip to Napa was long overdue. I can't really begin to explain how unique it is to drink wine while literally looking at the grapevine it came from. I highly recommend it. The wineries we were able to see were: Chaundon Domain (which was actually pretty lame), V. Sattui, Black Stallion (which is owned by 2 guys from Minnesota), and Andretti winery. Our tour was given by the improve-school-dropout Jerry (a mirror image of Anthony Bourdain). We drank wine, ate grapes and took tons of pictures.

Yesterday was such a nice day in the Twin Cities, I decided to tool around both cities on the bike. Now, being a Minneapolis resident my whole life, I've had a really unfounded dislike for St. Paul. There is no real reason behind it, but I've always hated it's crooked streets, cool-ethnic-districts, Grand and Summit Ave. and it's high schools. While biking through the city, I realized two things: A) St. Paul is not as lame as once perceived. B) I really need to dig deeper into what St. Paul is all about. But that journey is for a later date.
Another thing I noticed (mostly downtown Minneapolis), was the amount of people that need some advice from yours truly. Let's help these folks out.

Dear white guy with dreadlocks listening to Bob Marley Legend in your car on Hennepin.
Your not a rasta. I'm assuming that Legend is the only Reggae choice in your selection. Bad move bumbaclot.

Dear very, very, very old man driving while on what seems to be a cell phone. Don't mind me on my bike, I'll just dodge into oncoming traffic while you weave back and forth down Lake street. By the way, did you know that your back passenger door is open and clothes are flying all over the road? Probably not...

Last week was spent hanging around another one of my favorite cities: San Francisco. The land of good coffee- Asian food- Italian delights, big bridges, Philz, trolley cars, Giants and Mike Boo. Kristen and I also took a side trip up to Napa for the day. I assumed it would be nice country, but it was much better than expected. Grape fields EVERYWHERE. Not cheap either. It was assumed that it costs about $500k per acre--and that's just average. The nicer locations go for over $1.5m!

In other unrelated news, Glee and Community have to be the two best shows to come on TV in a long time. I have no idea why, but I'm digging both of these!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Music in my head

I've always had this idea that music can bring back memories like scent can. I even helped out a friend with a psychology masters thesis about it. Certain songs can literally make you feel in a certain place.

Anyway, I'm minding my business, walking along Portland Ave., and a car comes by playing "It's Dark and Hell is Hot". Not exactly a record that I play a lot today, but when I was in 10th grade, I played it ALL THE TIME. And not only me, Dan Contin and me used to play the whole album while we played Twisted Metal on Playstation.
And it got me to thinking about how cool summer used to be. In school, you got 3 months off. Sure, you may have had a part time job at a department store or sub shop, but that was it. 3 months to do...well, whatever you wanted! I should really consider taking all summer off my job one year. A leave of absence for mental relaxation. Instead, I spend all day working away. Not enjoying Minnesota summers should be illegal. Our days are the best. And the fact that Winter is so killer, Summer should be held in a higher regard than it is.
Oddly enough I'll be spending full days (open to close) bopping around the Mall of America. Call it a social experiment of sorts. I'm not sure what I want to accomplish with it, but it could go really fun and interesting, or horribly boring. I'm guessing it will be the latter.
Book #3 is under way also. Not 100% sure where it's going, but it does involve a heated rivalry between the newspaper food critic, and the local TV stations' food critic.